Sunday, July 5, 2009

We're Home!

We are home with Trevor! It was a much easier trip to pick him up then our travels to China for Ella. He is doing well, just trying to get over jet-lag and establish a routine and schedule. Trevor is a very gentle, smiley baby and loves the be held and cuddled. He really loves watching his sister, she is starting to want to help with his diaper and feeding him.
He is also extremely active, crawling as fast as lightning, pulling up on anything and trying to cruise the furniture. The pediatrician thinks he will be an early walker as he was trying to stand by himself in the doctor's office. He loves table food, Puffs, his baby swing on the swingset and playing with his toys, although he is not overly crazy about his crib since he isn't really used to sleeping alone yet or his carseat as he is still sitting rear-facing and can't see us.
We are glad to have him home. Let us know if you would like to visit sometime.

1 comment:

  1. YAHOOOOOO... your home. We would love to visit sometime! We can't wait to meet you.

